Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

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Dude chilaxing and reading a book while sitting in the snow;
Folks living around
the Montana and
Idaho mountains
were chilling while
the rest of us
were sizzling
Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana;
An octogenarian confessed to telling
a Zoomer to rob banks to make money
Dude using a fire extinguisher;
Two adults stopped kids from smoking by spraying the fire extinguisher on the kids’ cigarettes

Strawberry Moon ;

Strawberry Moon

Look up! It's the Strawberry
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 21, 2024

Look up! It’s the Strawberry Moon relaxing in the sky on this crisp, beautiful Friday night!

The Strawberry Moon is June’s full moon. And 2024 is her year. Being the diva she is, Ms. Strawberry Moon made her entrance on the day of the summer solstice. The sun came in, yesterday, at its highest point, while she came in, today, at her lowest point.

The high-low position allows the sun light to give Ms. Strawberry that bigger, brighter, and prettier look all the moon gals just die for.

Oh, just look at her! Look at her from the left, now from the right! Oh…just fabulous, darling! Magnificent!

With all of the heavenly glow she’s emitting, you don’t even recognize that she looks nothing like a strawberry. And you don’t recognize it because her glow gives her a beauty that makes you think her color is that of a strawberry.

The truth is, however, that Ms. Strawberry Moon’s name comes not from her beauty, but from the Algonquian Tribe. The Algonquian Tribe named Ms. Strawberry Moon, “Strawberry Moon,” due to the ripe strawberries appearing on the day she makes her grand entrance.

Look at all of those strawberries!

Strawberry muffins!
Strawberry Muffins ;

Strawberry lemonade!
Strawberry Lemonade ;

Strawberry shortcake!
Strawberry Shortcake ;

Oh, the choices, the choices, the choices!

There’s Ms. Strawberry Moon!

Strawberry Moon ;

La la, she’s in full bloom!

La la, she shines so bright on this Friday night!
She’s the most beautiful thing, la la, you’ve ever seen!

La la, there’s Ms. Strawberry Moon!

La la, she’s in full bloom!


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